Natrürlich weiss ich wiedermal von nix - ohne fernseher und mit meiner addiction for netradio, that is BBC Worldnews on KCRW or fresh air of the University of Edinburgh - und meine mutter fragt mich, ob ich bereits von den flammen eingekreist bin. nein, bin ich nicht, ich wohne ja weder in einem canyon in malibu, noch in einer containersiedlung am rande von sylmar, sondern bei den bobos in silverlake, wo ich demnächst einen preis nicht nur fürs zufussgehen, sondern auch für das allesfressen erhalten werde: of course I'll have eggs in my spicy aubergines, the white rice and the full fat yoghurt. yess, I do eat meat and no, I don't have any allergies (anyone remembering the ardmaan animation "creature comforts"? I am the mountain lion – )
the LA county fire department has all information online und die stadt ist tasächlich so etwas wie eingekreist von wildfires an der grenze zu orange county, richtung santa barbara und bei sylmar, das liegt etwa 30 minuten (mit dem auto natürlich) richtung nordwesten, direkt an der interstate 5. no road closures by now – though the fire has jumped (was für eine beschreibung!) the 210 and the 5 – and the map shows me that I will have to pass through when driving up to school on tuesday. am abend geh ich raus um meine route entlang des silverlake reservoirs abzulaufen und rieche den rauch so stark, dass ich denke, nebenan brennt es auch schon. der niederdruck tut sein übriges dazu: rauch, ozean, feigenbäume, keine abgase, no dog shit. immerhin.
die reaktionen hier sind gelassen: von "welcome to SoCal" bis zu "I didn't smell anything" und irgendwie muss das natürlich so sein, weil alle hier permanent am rande der katastrophe leben: wildfires, erdbeben, das macht gelassen.
schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency, mayor villaraigosa said that the fires destroyed more than any other in the past decades and that the power supply for the city is in danger.
haben wir kerzen? trinkwasser? soll ich die emergency broschüre des lawpd bestellen?
ich denke an die 500 zerstörten mobile homes und die 1800 assigned firefighters. der wind hat sich gelegt, ich rieche nichts mehr und mein wireless-modem flackert still vor sich hin.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Can I

... standing at the corner of Sunset and Alvorado with a bunch of people screaming at passing cars honking, drinking beer and whatever, playing music, dancing, buying t-shirts saying "obama wins". It felt like new years eve only so much better because it came without the feeling that there has to be some change but except for the fact that another year is to come you're not sure how this is going to happen?
The fact that 64 % of the people between 18 and 29 voted for Obama is impressive compared to how people under 30 voted in the austrian elections and when was the last time you thought: now I have a president I doesn't have to feel ashamed of?
It felt as if the world was holding its breath today - my living room was flooded, my car didn't start, the streets were kind of empty - and now I am just excited about what will happen next ...
and maybe it will be first about getting sober and thinking about prop 8. But this night we ended - again - at taco truck and that's a good sign for me.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Oh brother

the thirties - part II was run out by the course of actual events (kind of) and I am caught between presentations, readings, finding ideas and scheduling interviews, and between Los and Vienna which brought me the worst nightmare I had in months. There is an impressive hole in the ceiling of my living room through which one can see the wooden construction of the house – makes me think of Gregor Schneider – and nobody knows where the water is actually pouring in.
But on the pros there are: Halloween costume parties, doppelgaengers – so far I saw about ten people from vienna over here – and taco trucks that do not only serve the best chicken burritos but also infuse places with an almost forgotten mixture of anarchy and democracy. strange but true.
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